(刊登於 2008 年 11 月 28 日 第 12 卷第 48 期 - 政府公告)
(資料來源: G.N.8010 禁毒常務委員會)
Prof. SHEK Tan-lei, Daniel, B.B.S., J.P. (Chairman)
The Honourable LI Wah-ming, Fred, J.P.
Mr. CHAN Lai-sang, Jacob
Mr. CHAN Yiu-chong, Christopher, B.B.S., J.P.
Dr. CHENG Chi-man
Dr. CHEUNG Kin-leung, Ben, M.H.
Dr. FAN Yun-sun, Susan
Dr. HUI Pak-kwan
Mrs. LEUNG NGAI Mou-yin, Justina, J.P.
Ms. LOO Shirley Marie Therese, M.H., J.P.
Dr. NG Fei-yeung, Miro
Ms. SIU Wing-yee, Sylvia, J.P.
Ms. SO Lai-chun
Ms. TANG Oi-lam, Amy Blanche
Prof. TSUI Ming-sum
Ms. YAU Siu-fee, Sylvia, J.P.
Mr. YEUNG Yiu-chung, B.B.S., J.P.
Director, Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore
Secretary for Education or his representative
Commissioner of Police or his representative
Director of Health of his representative
Director of Social Welfare of his representative
Commissioner for Narcotics
噫... 不是每個成員都認識 tim~~

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