Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pierre Tasting Menu II: Desserts


First Part; (served in five plates)

Milk jelly spicy

Kiwi jelly

Wasabi and kiwi sorbert

(好味, 其實無 wasabi 味, 但中和一吓 kiwi, 不錯)

Peach cooked with caramel

Vanilla and star anis parfait

Peach and Malabar mousse

Melon juice

(複雜而 plesant 的味道, 加入八角的 vanilla parfait, 有趣, 唔知可否防感冒?)

Yogurt cream

White wine jelly

Dry apricot

Apricot ball

White meringue

(杏 2 ways, 加埋 white wine jelly 一齊食, 不錯)

Fresh raspberry

Basil sorbert

(最簡單, 卻令唔食 berries 的我, 給與八個甜品中最高評價)

Blackcurrant jelly/sorbet

Raspberry jelly/sorbet

Strawberry jelly/sorbet

Respberry tuile

(話口未完, berries 大突擊, not for me!)

Second Part; (served in three Plates)

Fresh prune

Red wine sauce

Almond cream

Raspberry macaroon

Yogurt sorbet

(my focus: macaroon 好好食)

Milk jelly

Dacquoise biscuit

Grapefruit confit puree

Grapefruit wurtz frozen

Red pepper confit puree

(牛奶糖好牛奶, grapefruit parts.... 好苦呀)

Water chocolate jelly

Chocolate giner ganache

Dry fruit confit

Banana crumble

(喜歡 crumbles, 但 banana crumble 失色)

The End

整體來說, 是很不錯的用餐 experience

最好味: blue lobster

最和味: the bill!!

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